Year 4
Literacy – This week we are looking at poetry, in particular the different features. We are exploring the use of language, rythym, onomatopoeia, aliteration and rhyming couplets, as well as free verse poetry. By the end of the week, the children will be writing their own free verse poem.
Numeracy – We are focussing on word problems, for all operations. The children will be using the RUCSAC method to solve the calculations, using their knowledge of number, and inverse. We will also be reviewing our knowledge of time, and converting between hours, days, minutes, seconds, months and years.
Science – This week we are exploring how circuits work, and why they might not work. We will be making our own circuits and discussing different conductors that we could use to help us.
Spellings – league, tongue, fatigue, colleague, plague, imagine, important, increase, heart, history