Year 5 Blog – Week beginning 11/1/16
Welcome back! For those of you I haven’t had a chance to see, I hope you had a great Christmas break and Happy New Year!
Our first couple of weeks back have been very busy but exciting!
We returned back to school ready to celebrate the Feast day of St Basil, which we celebrate on the 1st January, every year. We began celebrating this feast day by learning about the life of St Basil and why he is known as ‘The Great.’ We discovered that he is great for many reasons, particularly for his love and care for orphan children and less fortunate people. We were inspired and touched by his story that we then thought of ways that we could apply this learning to our own lives and became great for someone else too.
Later in the week, we also learnt about another significant Feast day – The Theophania, which we celebrate on 6th January, every year. We studied the Icon of this Feast day and carefully unpicked the true meaning behind key symbols of the icon.
Literacy – so far in school, we began our Literacy learning by launching our new Non-Fiction topic…Recounts! We spent the week analysing examples of Non-Fiction texts and recounts to identify key features. We have also been constructing questions (ready for interview use) around the question ‘What do others think about St Cyprians?’ These questions have been written up using both formal and informal language – depending on who we are asking, e.g. if it is teacher or peer we are asking. Once we collect the information, through interviewing, we will write a recount of this experience.
Numeracy – so far in school, we began our numeracy learning by recapping our knowledge and understanding of Roman Numerals. We then applied our knowledge to solving addition and subtraction number problems using Roman Numerals. We also recapped our knowledge of place value and rounding (to nearest 10 and 100) which was great! This led to us learning about positive and negative numbers.
We then ended the week’s learning by recapping our knowledge of measurements! This then led to us answering questions by measuring using kilometres, metres and centimetres.
Please click on the following link to explain the Spellodrome and Mathletics Home Learning.
Home Learning:
In year 5 we would like the children to be constantly practicing their times tables, number bonds, spellings and reading.
We suggest a minimum of 30mins of reading each day; this will consolidate strategies learnt in the class and ultimately make the children better and more confident readers.
It would be beneficial to practice number bonds at least three times a week. Number bonds are two number that add together to make another; for example 394+606, 8+2, 65+35.
We advise that the children need to practice their times tables regularly in order to support their knowledge and understanding when performing operations (times and divide).
Spellings will be set weekly; the children will have a week in which to practice. We recommend that children practice using the look-cover-write technique, as well as saying out loud.
This week for home learning, I have set the following Spellings:
Children should practice these spellings (also available on Spellodrome) and put them into a sentence. If the children are unaware of the meaning of any of these spellings, we encourage children to use a dictionary to help them.
As the second Home Learning task, I have set two Numeracy challenges on Mathletics for the children to complete. It is based on the learning we have covered so far in our numeracy lessons, which then consolidates the learning which takes place in school. Please log in and complete both activities I have set for you. If there are any problems accessing this home learning, please come and see me before the due date and I will be more than happy to help.
All home learning tasks (Spelling and Mathletics) are due in: 22nd January 2016
Other news:
Thank you to everyone who came to support Ithaca class by watching their amazing assembly on Ancient Egypt. We had a fantastic time and we hope you enjoyed it as much as we did!
Next week, on Tuesday 26th January, Spetses will be sharing information on their learning of South America through an assembly. You are all very welcome to come and support them!