Year 5 blog – week beginning 16th November 2015


This week in Literacy, we have continued to explore our learning topic – Stories from other Cultures. We have been exploring a variety of stories such as ‘Birthday Boy’ a story set in Korea and ‘Zahra’ a story set in Africa. From these stories we have had many opportunities to develop key writing/grammar skills such as changing direct speech to reported speech and writing sentences using parenthesis. We also enjoyed using a dictionary to define unfamiliar words and find out word origins. Towards the end of the week, we were inspired by the story ‘Zahra’ and we created a ‘Water Aid’ style campaign to raise awareness of the lack of water in Africa.

In Numeracy this week:

We began our week by recapping our learning of word problems! We had a great time solving addition and subtraction problems using the ‘R.U.C.S.A.C’ technique. Read. Understand. Calculate. Solve. Answer. Check. Later in the week, we were learning how to plot co-ordinates on grid.



In R.E, we celebrated the feast day of St John Chrysostom (St John the Golden Mouth). We recalled the key events which took during his life to make him a significant figure in the Greek Orthodox Church.

Home Learning:

In year 5 we would like the children to be constantly practicing their times tables, number bonds, spellings and reading.

We suggest a minimum of 30mins of reading each day; this will consolidate strategies learnt in the class and ultimately make the children better and more confident readers.

It would be beneficial to practice number bonds at least three times a week. Number bonds are two number that add together to make another; for example 394+606, 8+2, 65+35.

 We advise that the children need to practice their times tables regularly in order to support their knowledge and understanding when performing operations (times and divide).

Please click on the following link to explain the Spellodrome and Mathletics Home Learning.

Week beginning 16.11.15

Extra Home Learning

For the second Home Learning task, please log on to Spellodrome and complete the assessment on Adjectives.

All home learning tasks (Spelling and Numeracy) are due in:

27TH November 2015

Have a lovely weekend!