Year 5 blog – week beginning 2/11/15


This week in Year 5, we have had an exciting week continuing to explore the works of a significant author…ROALD DAHL! It is our final week of this unit of learning, so we have spent the week building up to a Mega Write! Our Mega-write opportunity (where we publish a final, up-levelled piece of writing) is to write our own stories in the style of Roald Dahl. Just as David Walliam’s is an author whose style of writing is inspired by Roald Dahl, so are we! We began the week by carefully planning out the opening, plot and ending of our stories. We then spent a couple of days, focusing on writing the first draft of our stories (making sure we pay close attention to each section and including key language features). We then edited our stories, to make our writing even more effective – using relative clauses. To end the week, we published our stories!

Next week, we will begin a new unit of learning! We will be studying Stories from other Cultures. We will begin our week by reading examples of stories from other cultures and traditions. This will allow us to identify the features of the text types and compare to other story types. Towards the end of the week, we will also focus on the grammar skills – writing sentences using parenthesis.

In Numeracy this week:

We began our week by recapping our learning of how to add/subtract decimal numbers. This enabled us to develop our addition and subtraction skills even further, allowing us to gain a deeper understanding of the techniques used to solve calculations. We also recapped our learning of ordering and comparing fractions but with a spicier challenge! Towards the end of the week, we began learning about converting measurements. We began converting metric units such as MM to CM, G to KG and ML to L.

Next week in Numeracy, we will be learning how to effectively solve word problems.


Archangel Michael and Archangel Gabriel – 8th November

In R.E this week, we have focussed on a very special Feast day, the Feast day of Archangels Michael and Gabriel. We began by starting with a recap of what we already know about these special Archangels. We remembered so much from our previous learning of this Feast day and we could also link to other areas of our R.E learning! We listened to stories about these two Archangels and recorded why they are significant. We used technical/specific vocabulary to reflect on why these Archangels are venerated and special within the Greek Orthodox Church.

Home Learning:

In year 5 we would like the children to be constantly practicing their times tables, number bonds, spellings and reading.

We suggest a minimum of 30mins of reading each day; this will consolidate strategies learnt in the class and ultimately make the children better and more confident readers.

It would be beneficial to practice number bonds at least three times a week. Number bonds are two number that add together to make another; for example 394+606, 8+2, 65+35.

 We advise that the children need to practice their times tables regularly in order to support their knowledge and understanding when performing operations (times and divide).


Spellings will be set weekly; the children will have a week in which to practice. We recommend that children practice using the look-cover-write technique, as well as saying out loud.

This week for home learning, I have set the following Spellings:





















Children should practice these spellings (also available on Spellodrome) and put them into a sentence. If the children are unaware of the meaning of any of these spellings, we encourage children to use a dictionary to help them.


As the second Home Learning task, I have set one Numeracy challenges on Mathletics for the children to complete. It is based on the learning we have covered so far in our numeracy lessons, which then consolidates the learning which takes place in school. Please log in and complete both activities I have set for you. If there are any problems accessing this home learning, please come and see me before the due date and I will be more than happy to help.

Numeracy challenge:

To consolidate the learning which has taken place this week in school, I have set an additional Home Learning task. Please click on the link below to reveal your additional challenge.

Converting Measurements all groups

All home learning tasks (Spelling, Mathletics, Numeracy) are due in:

13th November 2015

Have a lovely weekend!