Year 5 Ithaca, week beginning 5/10/15

In Literacy this week:

This week in Year 5, we have had an exciting week continuing to explore the works of a significant author…ROALD DAHL! The children have had various opportunities to develop their spoken language skills! They will have the opportunity to role-play a popular character from one of Roald Dahl’s books – acting out thoughts and actions. They had the opportunity to re-draft and up-level their pranks, which made them even more exciting and brilliant! We have also developed our writing skills by learning to extend sentences using a relative clause.

Next week in Literacy, we will be continuing to research Roald Dahl to prepare for our presentations. We will also be working towards writing our own stories in the style of Roald Dahl. This will include successfully using speech with inverted commas and powerful verbs.

In Numeracy this week:

We began our week by learning how to find square and cube numbers. We found these lessons very challenging and we enjoyed solving the calculations given to us! We carefully recorded the calculation (using the correct notation) and then carefully showed our working out. Towards the end of the week we will were learning how to measure the perimeter of regular and irregular shapes. We also had a surprise times table challenge to check if we have been practising at home!!!

Next week in Numeracy, We will be recapping our learning of fractions! We will start the week by finding equivalent fractions. We will then continue our learning by ordering and comparing fractions. Towards the end of the week, we will go back to learning about finding angles of regular and irregular shapes.


In Science this week, we have enjoyed continuing our learning on Materials and their properties. We began the week by focussing on a specific property of materials…Solubility. Solubility is whether or not a material/substance dissolves in a liquid to make a solution. A solution is a liquid consisting of a solvent in which one or more materials/substances (solutes) have dissolved. To maximise the children’s understanding of solubility, we planned a test to investigate which materials were soluble or insoluble. Our plan included: a clear method of how to safely conduct our investigation, how to make our investigation a fair test and our predictions on what we think will happen to each material.

Towards the end of the week, we conducted our experiment and carefully recorded our observations. We tested a wide range of materials and we were interested to discover which dissolved in water and which did not!

Home Learning:

In year 5 we would like the children to be constantly practicing their times tables, number bonds, spellings and reading.

We suggest a minimum of 30mins of reading each day; this will consolidate strategies learnt in the class and ultimately make the children better and more confident readers.

It would be beneficial to practice number bonds at least three times a week. Number bonds are two number that add together to make another; for example 394+606, 8+2, 65+35.

 We advise that the children need to practice their times tables regularly in order to support their knowledge and understanding when performing operations (times and divide).


Spellings will be set weekly; the children will have a week in which to practice. We recommend that children practice using the look-cover-write technique, as well as saying out loud.

This week for home learning, I have set the following Spellings:





















Children should practice these spellings (also available on Spellodrome) and put them into a sentence. If the children are unaware of the meaning of any of these spellings, we encourage children to use a dictionary to help them.


As the second Home Learning task, I have set two Numeracy challenges on Mathletics for the children to complete. It is based on the learning we have covered so far in our numeracy lessons, which then consolidates the learning which takes place in school. Please log in and complete both activities I have set for you. If there are any problems accessing this home learning, please come and see me before the due date and I will be more than happy to help.

All home learning tasks (Spelling and Mathletics) are due in: 16th October 2015


Surprise Year 5!

We have an additional home learning challenge for you!!!

Please click on the link below to reveal your extra special home learning challenge. Please take your time to complete this challenge. If you need support, please let me know and I will happy to help. However, do not leave asking for help till the last minute!

 WORLD WAR II homelearning

Due date: 16/10/15

Have a lovely weekend!

Miss Anastasiou