Year 5 week beginning 15/2/16
Investigation Week!
We have had a very exciting week in school! We have had many exciting opportunities to put our investigation skills to work.
We started the week by looking at our whole school focus text –‘Journey’ by Aaron Becker. This is beautifully illustrated, wordless picture book, showing the journey of a lonely girl escaping to a world of wonder. We began our week by adding narrative to the opening of the picture book, we made sure that we wrote a story as beautiful and detailed as the pictures themselves! We also worked towards accurately including dialogue between the two main characters in the story.
We also created stories based on the theme ‘A day in my life.’ These stories were our opportunity to enter into a writing competition. The competition is a part of raising money for The Leukaemia Cancer Society. We made sure that we also reflected on what our lives mean to us, what we are grateful for and we kept people in need close to our hearts. Thank you to everyone who paid £2 to enter your stories into the competition, the money is going to a truly great cause.
During this week, we have had a heavy focus on data handling! We began our week by collecting data on topics such as: Year 5’s favourite foods, animals, authors, sport and subject. We then presented our data in a variety of forms. We also had an exciting time putting our measuring skills to work! We started using our measuring skills in a practical context as a way of discovering whether statements were true or false…We investigated the following statements: The bigger your shoes size, the taller you are; the length of your foot is the same length as from your wrist to your elbow and your height is the same length as your arm span- fingertips to fingertips. Furthermore, we measured, in meters, the results from our penny challenge! Thank you to everyone who brought in pennies for this challenge, every penny goes to charity!
We launched investigation week with a belated Valentine’s day celebration! We celebrated this day by creating a ‘love notes’ for people we truly care for and appreciate.
Please click on the following link to explain the Spellodrome and Mathletics Home Learning.
Home Learning:
In year 5 we would like the children to be constantly practicing their times tables, number bonds, spellings and reading.
We suggest a minimum of 30mins of reading each day; this will consolidate strategies learnt in the class and ultimately make the children better and more confident readers.
It would be beneficial to practice number bonds at least three times a week. Number bonds are two number that add together to make another; for example 394+606, 8+2, 65+35.
We advise that the children need to practice their times tables regularly in order to support their knowledge and understanding when performing operations (times and divide).
All home learning is due on the 29/2/16
We wish you a very happy, restful and safe half-term! See you back in school on the 29th February!