Year 5 Week beginning 4/4/16
In Literacy this week, we brought our learning of Legends to a close by writing our own new version of a Legend! Our Legends were based around the idea of the Loch-Ness Monster. Using our thoroughly researched findings about the mystery of the Loch-Ness Monster, we created our own version of this ‘Legendary tale.’ We made sure we included all the key features of a Legend, including: a main character who is extraordinary in some way, clear separation between good and evil (where good prevails) and a moral to the story. Once we write the first drafts of our Legends, we edited them to make sure we included: adventurous/technical language, relative clauses and fronted adverbials! This editing lesson helped prepare us for our Mega Write lessons where we published the ‘up-leveled’ and final draft of our story.
In Numeracy this week, we have had a busy week learning about fractions! We began our week by recapping everything we previously learnt this year (equivalent fractions, ordering and comparing fractions, etc). We then introduced the children to the new skill of converting fractions between mixed numbers and improper fractions! This was a challenging concept but all children persevered and succeeded! Therefore, it’s only fair that we give them even more fraction learning to do at home for their home learning! (see Home learning link for further details!) Furthermore, the children completed 3 Numeracy Assessment Tests to consolidate their learning of the term. Each day, the children were given up to 45 minutes to complete a mathematics test. These tests were completed under ‘SATS style conditions’.
Day 1: Number and Place Value
Day 2: Addition and Subtraction
Day 3: Multiplication and Division
R.E: Our assessment focus for the Spring term has been all about the Virgin Mary! We have had many different challenges to help us explore the importance of the Virgin Mary and why we venerate her. We also carefully reflected on all the positive things we can learn from her in the way she lived her life for God. All the children were confident to share their prior knowledge and ask deep and meaningful questions about the topic.
Home Learning:
In year 5 we would like the children to be constantly practicing their times tables, number bonds, spellings and reading.
We suggest a minimum of 30mins of reading each day; this will consolidate strategies learnt in the class and ultimately make the children better and more confident readers.
It would be beneficial to practice number bonds at least three times a week. Number bonds are two number that add together to make another; for example 394+606, 8+2, 65+35.
We advise that the children need to practice their times tables regularly in order to support their knowledge and understanding when performing operations (times and divide).
Please click on the following link to explain the Spellodrome and Mathletics Home Learning.
All home learning tasks (Spelling and Numeracy) are due in:
15th April 2016