Year 6 Friday 13th November 2020
It has been another exciting week here in Year 6. On Friday we were part of a virtual workshop with the UK Parliament. In English we have continued to study A Christmas Carol and we hot seated Scrooge. In maths we have continued with our fraction learning – this week was multiplying and dividing fractions. In history we have learnt all about Victorian childhood in London and in geography we have compared maps of the local area in Victorian times and now.
Your home learning this week is on Mathletics, Spelling Shed, Purple Mash, Read Theory and your writing task is as follows:
Your task this week is to write a letter of complaint. You recently visited a theme park for your brother’s birthday and lot of things went wrong. It is up to you what went wrong and you should write a letter at least 1.5 pages long.
Have a great weekend,
Ms Hayward and Mr Loizou