Year 6 Friday 16 October 2020
It has been another busy week in Year 6. In English we have finished our unit on the Highwayman poem and we have written our own Wikipedia entries on highyway men. In maths we have learnt to simplify and find equivalent fractions. We have investigated how light helps us see colours in science and in history we have drawn our own Islamic art.
Home learning this week is to complete the test on mathletics, to continue with the read theory comprehensions, there are activities on purple mash, spellings are now on a website called Spelling Shed – go to and you can log in using your purple mash username and password – and the writing task is as follows (this can be done on purple mash or in your pink books):
Your task this week is to write a newspaper report about the Highwayman (based on the poem).
Enjoy your weekend,
Ms Hayward and Mr Loizou