Year 6 Friday 20th November 2020

This week has been very exciting for Year 6. On Wednesday we had a virtual workshop on zoom with Jennifer Killick, the author of our class book Crater Lake. She discussed all of our favourite characters with us and even inspired some of us to write our own books! We have continued to learn about Victorian London for our topic and we have done drama based on the ghosts in A Christmas Carol, done more map skills based on Victorian parks of London and found out what life was like for women in Victorian times. In maths we have been rounding decimals to several decimal places.

Your home learning this week is on Mathletics, Spelling Shed, Purple Mash, Read Theory and your writing task is as follows:

Your task this week is to write a letter a celebrity to ask them to come and visit your school. You can choose the celebrity and you can decide what you want them to do.

Have a fantastic weekend,

Ms Hayward and Mr Loizou