This week we have been:
Thinking about keeping our bodies clean. We read the story ‘I don’t want to wash my hands’. We washed our hands together using soap and water. We spoke about germs on our hands, we cannot see them! The children drew pictures of what they think germs look like. We also had fun playing Doctors!
In maths this week we have been learning about the number 4, the children have been writing their own number 4 in the maths area. We have also been continuing our learning about things that we like, the children made a chart of our favourite fruit and we noticed that strawberries were our favourite fruit because they have the most. We also explored the shape of blocks, we used the words big and small and then made different structures using the blocks, thinking about the shapes we needed.
In science this week we have been learning about full and empty, we used the water tray and the sand tray to fill up bottles. We were able to show each other full empty and half full. We enjoyed using the funnels and scoops to help us!
In RE this week we read a story called ‘God made us this way’, the children explored all the different features that people can have and that we are all individual.
In phonics and music this week we have been looking at instruments and the sounds they make, we have had lots of fun exploring scraping, drumming and shaking. We have also explored making rain Sounds using different musical instruments in the music room.
Next week we will be:
- Thinking about black history month by reading the story ‘Dream big little leader’, we will be exploring this book in all areas of the classroom.
- Learning the number five.
- Learning about pennies.
- Reading the Bible story ‘God fed the 5000’.
Messages home
We hope you are enjoying your rhyme books at home, we would like to ask that they are returned to school by Wednesday so we can get them ready for you for the Friday. Please put them in the green basket outside the classroom door.
We have noticed not many children are changing their reading books, it’s a very important part of the children’s development to be listening and hearing stories. We would encourage you to be reading with the children at least once a week.
Thank you for your support, Mrs Herne and Mrs Cini