Secondary School Transfer

Secondary School Transfer

Link to the eadmissions site registration video


Link to the forgotten password video


Secondary school applications

Secondary school applications must be made with the pupil’s home borough, either online or on the orange form. It is strongly recommended that applications are made online. Parents will be issued with a username and password which will enable them to log on and amend the chosen schools until the deadline. They will also be able to view their child’s offered secondary school on the offer day. Parents are strongly recommended to make six school choices on the application.

Some secondary schools also require parents to submit a supplementary form. These will be available from the schools and must be returned to them once completed.

Parents are advised to check online with individual schools for details of Open Evenings. Each child in Year 6 will be given a pack with information regarding schools in the Croydon borough, during the Autumn term.

Please note that references from the Headteacher in support of applications will not be given.

St Cyprian’s Greek Orthodox Primary Academy does not receive any information on schools applied for, however, a list of destination schools for Croydon residents will be sent to the school on offer day.