British Values
St Cyprian’s actively promotes the core British values of democracy, individual liberty, the rule of law, mutual respect, tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs. In accordance with these values, which are at the heart of our school’s Christian ethos, we take seriously our responsibility to prepare children for life as active participants in modern British society. British Values are actively shared and promoted amongst children across the school and opinions and behaviours contrary to these values are consistently challenged.
We promote British values in many ways; through teaching and learning, Collective Worship and through our wider school activities.
At St Cyprian’s we promote the importance of democracy through:
- the open and fair voting processes for council positions
- discussions between Councillors and the Headteacher/Senior Leadership team about matters of concern to pupils
- Children debate and discuss topics of interest through the curriculum
- carrying out regular Pupil and Parent surveys
At St Cyprian’s we promote the importance of individual liberty by:
- Children are encouraged to make positive choices in their learning and behaviour in a safe and supportive environment.
- Our behaviour policy supports children to accept responsibility for their own actions.
- Children are supported to make a positive contribution to our local and global communities through trips and links with other schools.
- Whole school themed weeks, assemblies and charity events raise awareness of the difference we can make in the world, supporting national and local charities.
At St Cyprian’s we promote the importance of law through:
- the Home-School agreement which is signed by all pupils
- following all government legislation relating to education
- Classes create their own class contract to clarify responsibilities and consequences of our behaviour.
- Visits from local agencies such as the police and fire service help children to understand the rules in our community.
At St Cyprian’s we promote the importance of mutual respect through:
- the Home-School Agreement
- our PSHCE curriculum
- regular Collective Worship
- agreeing on individual class rules
- regular events celebrating different aspects of the curriculum (music, sports, cooking, performances etc)
- regular Dream Catcher assemblies celebrating jobs and careers of a range of people in the community
At St Cyprian’s we promote the tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs through
- our Religious Education curriculum
- our Collective Worship programme which includes stories from different religious traditions and which encourages children to empathise with and pray for people of all faiths, from all over the world.
- visitors from different faiths are invited to share the diversity of beliefs and customs with children