Ithaca Class week ending – 06.12.24

This week in Ithaca…

In Maths, we have focused on exploring the effect of multiplying by 1. The children recognised that when they multiply a number by 1, the result will always be the number itself. The children also have applied their knowledge of division and explored what happens to a number when they divide it by 1 or itself. Furthermore, used prior knowledge of multiplication to multiply three numbers together.

In English, we focused on writing an opening that introduces the villain, planning an adventure story and using their plans to write their adventure story. The children considered their title, introduction, a build-up, dilemma, resolution and an ending.

In Computing, we have recognised what a variable is and how to use the ‘say’ and ‘ask’ blocks in scratch. Furthermore, the children were able to add or change a sprite and use a variable to record a score.

Please find the home learning attached:

Ithaca Home Learning – 06.12.24

Have a great weekend.

Miss Molyneux