Zakynthos Class – 10.01.25
This week in Zakynthos class….
In English we started a new text called ‘The Explorer’. The children looked at the use of powerful phases, retrieved details from the text, inferred what the character’s are like, made predictions about the character’s actions and suggested alternative words to change the impact on the reader.
In Maths, the children used their previous knowledge of multiplying and dividing by 8 in order to deepen their understanding of the 8 times-table. They made connections between the 2, 4 and 8 times-tables, they linked multiplying by 4 to doubling then doubling again, and multiplying by 8 to doubling three times. They also further developed their understanding of multiples of 10 by looking at greater multiples and explored calculations related to known facts.
In Geography, we started our topic the ‘Amazon Rainforest’. The children learnt what a biome is and some examples of biomes. They used an atlas to find the location of the Amazon rainforest and used photographs and maps to list some features of the Amazon rainforest.
Please find the home learning attached:
Zakynthos Home Learning – 10.01.25
Have a great weekend!
Miss Weithers