Zakynthos Class – Week Ending 15.11.24

This week in Zakynthos …

In Maths, we have focused on exploring the link between counting in 3s and the 3 times-table to understand multiples of 3 in a range of contexts. Additionally, the children have understanding of the fact that the 6 times-table is double the 3 times-table.

In English, we focused on retrieving information from the text and explaining a point using evidence. The children were able to describe the characters in chapter two of ‘The Iron Man’ considering their appearance and behaviour, as well as write an explanation about how the characters felt using evidence from the text.

In History, we have learnt about how the Roman soldiers were equipped for war and the Roman army battle formations. The children have made inferences about life in Roman times and have identified the Roman legacy in Britain.

Please find the home learning attached:

Zakynthos Home Learning – 15.11.24.docx

Have a great weekend!

Miss Weithers