Zakynthos – Week Ending 01.11.24

Good afternoon Parents and Carers.

This week in Maths, we  focused on  securing our knowledge of column method in addition and subtraction, involving exchanging (borrowing). The children understand we can exchange 1 ten for 10 ones, 1 hundred for 10 tens and 1 thousand for 10 hundreds. For maths home learning, this week I have sent sheets to to consolidate their understanding to consolidate their complimenting to make 100 or 1000.

In English, we started our new book ‘Iron Man’ by Ted Hughes. We started with a focus on first impressions, we then moved on to look at some of the ways the author described the events in the story. We ended the week with some writing around the opening of the text and some of us also explored the events through role play.

In Science, we focused on classifying animals into groups based on shared characteristics. The children were able to identify broad groups of animals (invertebrates) and created a carroll diagram to sort the invertebrate cards. The children used animal sorting word banks to consider a variety of criteria.

For those of you who will be remaining in school, you will be having a fun packed few days all about the Romans. You will need to bring in some resources. Please see the list below:

  • Empty cereal boxes
  • Kitchen roll tubes
  • Any small cardboard packaging including paper packaging (Amazon)

Please find the home learning attached:

Zakynthos Home Learning – 01.11.24

Have a wonderful weekend!

Miss Weithers