11th January 2019

Welcome back, we hope you had a relaxing holiday.


This week we have been:

Learning about different modes of transport. We started the week reading a story called ‘We all go travelling by’. There are lots of different ways to travel! We have been busy making our own modes of transport using the junk modelling, exploring land transport on the carpet and in the sand, building train tracks and using trains outside, sorting/counting transport objects and exploring tracks using the play dough.

In RE this week we have been learning about St Basil. Mrs Herne told us a special story where St Basil wanted to give money and belongings back to the people. He made special cakes called  ‘vasilopita’s’ and he added the money and belongings into the cakes. He handed them out hoping they went to the correct people, and they did! We made our own ‘vasipolitas’ and we added our own treasure.

We also learnt about Theophania and baptism. We read a story called ‘The baptism of Jesus’ and also watched a video of a baptism in church. We then watched a video of Theophania. We spoke about what it means to the person who caught the cross in the river and who found the money in the cake.

Next week we will be:

  • Learning about modes of transport in the sky.
  • Learning about how God made the sky.
  • Acting out the story ‘Whatever next’.
  • Learning how write numbers.

How is you can help at home:

  • Continue name writing, the children are doing very well!
  • Writing numbers to 1o.
  • Talk about different modes of transport.






Thank you for your support, Mrs Herne.

Mrs Bruno and Mrs Lowe.