

This week we have:
Had lots of fun exploring our new topic, dinosaurs. We read the book dinosaur chase. We have been playing with the dinosaurs and thinking about where they live, what they look like, what they like to do and what they like to eat. We have been using non-fiction books to find out more information, we have also been making our own pterodactyl collages. We have started learning a dinosaur rhyme/song and the first one you will find in your rhyme books all about the pterodactyl.
In phonics this week we have been continuing our learning on making words using three sounds and we have also had a focus on the sound mmmmm.
We have started using Yakka Dee sounds and alphablocks to help us!
In maths this week we have been learning about numbers to 10 using the 10 little dinosaurs story and we have also been learning about the number 16.
In RE this week we have been learning about baptism. We learnt where baptism came from and what baptism looks like today. We have also been practicing baptism in class by using the babies and a little bit of water.
Next week we will be:
  • Continuing our dinosaur learning, reading a dinosaur story about the dark and exploring the dark.
  • Learning the number 17.
  • Learning the sound a.
  • Thinking about Mother’s Day and what it is
Messages home:
We will now be sending home homework on a Thursday as we think the sheets maybe getting lost in the children’s rhyme books. We are not seeing much home learning being returned and we think sending it home on a Thursday might be better.
Thank you for support Mrs Herne,
Mrs Huter and Mrs Woode