
Hi children,

I hope you are all have a safe and happy Easter break. Miss Sandberg has been making cakes with her daughter and even went on a 5k run yesterday to raise money for the NHS. It was not fun! Mr Theophilou has also been celebrating Easter with his family.

Well done to parents for getting through three weeks of home school!

Please take this second week of the holidays to relax and have family time. Remember, reading is the most important activity for learning that you should be doing daily.

Remember to use these websites for activities:

www.getepic.com Ithaca passcode is gip3845. Symi passcode is dgt9443

www.busythings.co.uk Use your purplemash password.

Purplemash, spellodrome and mathletics.


I realise I have attached a lot of learning on the blog recently, so I am sure you have lots to keep you busy. I will attach more learning next week after the Easter Break.

Kind regards,

Miss Sandberg