17th January 2020
Transport – In the sky
This week we have been:
Exploring modes of transport that we would find in the sky. We read a story called ‘Whatever next’. Baby bear travelled to the moon in his rocket and took his teddy bear with him. They bumped into an owl and an aeroplane and had a picnic on the moon. We have also been making air transport models and pictures, exploring air transport in the messy tray, making play dough air transport , moving around as different modes of transport and avoiding obstacles and sorting transport objects on the maths table.
In phonics this week we have been learning the sounds ‘s’ and ‘d’. These are the rhymes for each sound.
- s – slither down the snake
- d – around his bottom, up his tall neck, down to his feet.
In RE this week we have started learning about how God made the world. This week we focused on day 1, the sky. We discussed what God made and what the humans made when they were made. We will continue the story after next week.
In science this week we have been thinking about ways different things travel. We now how transport travels so we started looking at how sound and wind travel. We made our own telephones using cups and string and wind makers with bottles of water and glitter. We have been listening to the sounds as it travels and watching how the glitter travels in water creating wind motions.
Next week we will be:
- Learning and celebrating Chinese new year.
- Learning about ‘The Three Hierarchs’
- Exploring pushing and pulling.
How you can help at home:
- Continue name writing.
- Counting games and activities with numbers to 10.
- Activities using the sounds we have learnt so far – m, a, s, d.
- Talk about the creation story and how God made the world.
Thank you your ongoing support, Mrs Herne.
Mrs Lowe and Mrs Bruno.