20th March 2020

Home Learning During Closure

We hope you are all well and keeping you and your family safe.

Here are few things you can do at home with the children based on the learning and topics they could be missing out on.

  • Purple Mash are offering free access to their online learning platform at the moment. Please use your username and password located in the children home learning books.
  • Continue mark making with the children, especially writing their name using the formation sheet we sent home.
  • Watch the Easter story and reinforce the reason we will be celebrating Easter in a couple of weeks. We have been learning this in class and the children have enjoyed the introduction. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0PSgoPdKQFQ
  • Read/watch the following traditional stories with the children: The 3 little pigs/The 3 Billy goats gruff/Goldilocks and the three bears/Jack and the beanstalk/The enormous turnip and Chicken Licken. Talk about the stories and the morals within them.
  • Explore farm/zoo and ocean animals. Thinking about where they live, what they do and what they look like etc. animal-habitats-powerpoint

Here are a couple of activity packs/sheets that are very useful and you and your children will enjoy.


Shape sheets

Shape game

Reading review

Phonics booklet

Number book


I would like to thank you for all your support over the year so far, Mrs Herne.