20th May 2022
The Enormous Turnip
This week we been been:
Reading the story ‘The Enormous Turnip’. We have really enjoyed listening to the story and re-telling the story with each other. Mr Blair let us use him as a turnip! It was great fun trying to pull him out.
We have been exploring size by measuring turnips using rulers and tape measures. We have also been looking closer at real turnips and comparing the size and shapes of them.
We have enjoyed creating our own turnip pictures using paints and collage.
We have also been exploring up and down. We watched Kit and Pup and then explored up and down with our own experiment. We used water, fizzy water and raisins, we watched what happened to the raisins when we add them to plain water and fizzy water. We found out that the bubbles in the fizzy water made the raisins go up and down and the raisins in the plain water went down.
In RE this week we have been learning about Sikhism and exploring the 5 k’s. We have had lots of fun exploring the Kara (bangle), Kesh (turban), Kanga (comb), Kachera (shorts) and the Kirpan (sword) and reading non fiction books.

Next week we will be:
- Exploring growing, we will be reading a story called ‘The Tiny Seed’.
- Planting seeds.
- Learning the sounds l, h, sh and r.
- Thinking about teen/ty at the end of numbers.
- Reading a story called ‘The Good Samaritan’.
Messages home
Since we have been sending reading books home we are finding that the children’s books are coming back to school wet. Please can you ensure that you are looking after their reading books, please also make sure that the children are not putting their water bottles in their bags and use the side pocket.
Now the weather is getting warmer can you please make sure that the children’s names are written in their jumpers.
Thank you for your support, Mrs Herne
Mrs Lowe and Mrs Bruno.