20th October 2023
This week we have been:
Learning about stories linked to black history. We have been reading ‘Dream big, little leader’. We have been exploring different parts of the story this week. We have been creating artwork at the creative table, making statues on the playdough table and exploring space in the small world area. We have also been exploring what it would be like to throw a javelin and run in a race during our PE lesson.
In phonics this week we have been focusing on sounds that can be made using musical instruments. We have also had to follow instructions and stop and start, listening to the music and each other.
In math’s this week we have been learning about the number 4 and counting in 1’s using 1p coins. We put 1p coins in purses and counted how many we have.
In science this week we explored floating and sinking, we had lots of items for the water tray and we predicted what might happen to the objects when they go into the water. We then tested them out!
In RE this week we read a story from the bible called ‘The loaves and the fishes/Feeding the 5000’. Jesus turned a small amount of food into lots of food that fed 5000 people. We had our own loaves and fish (paper) and we cut it up and feed the class. We then made bread in the sand tray.
After half-term we will be:
- Starting our ‘People who help us topic’ by reading a book called Career Day.
- Thinking about the number 5 using number blocks and the song 5 currant buns.
- Exploring about fast and slow.
- Leaning about Gods house, the church.
- Thinking about houses using the Three little pig’s story.
Messages home:
Please keep changing the children’s reading books, it’s really helps with their understanding of books and storytelling.
Please can I ask that any paperwork is returned after the half-term. I would love to use the children’s photos on this blog however I am unsure which children’s photos I can use.
Thank you for your support, Mrs Herne.
Mrs Woode and Mrs Huter