6th May 2022
The Very Hungry Caterpillar
This week we have been:
Learning through the story of ‘The Very hungry Caterpillar’. We have been making, painting, drawing and counting caterpillars and enjoyed tasting fruit from the story. We made a chart to show which fruit we like the best, we like apples the best!
We have also been reading the story ‘Goldilocks and the three bears’ to help us explore and talk about size. We have been talking about the size of the bears, bowls, spoons, chairs and beds. We have enjoyed telling our own stories using the objects from the story.
Goldilocks and the Three Bears – Give Us A Story! – YouTube
In PE this week we read the story ‘Wilma unlimited’. Wilma was a very talented, strong girl who never let anything get in her way. When Wilma was unable to walk she worked really hard to try and walk again and with lots of hard work she not only started to walk again but she could run! She then went to the Olympics and won lots of medals. We practised racing in the hall and even when it was tricky we kept on going. We practised walking, running, hopping, jumping and jumping jacks.
In phonics this week we have been learning the sounds t, i, n. We have been thinking about the sounds you can hear at the start of words.
Next week we will be:
- Exploring the story ‘Butterfly lullaby’
- Writing our own stories.
- Learning about symmetry.
- Revisiting road safety.
- Reading the story of ‘The three billy goats gruff’ and exploring size and height.
Messages home:
We are going to start sending home reading books from next week. If you have your yellow book at home can you please bring it in, if not that’s fine we can issue you with a new book.
As you know the weather is getting warmer, please can we ask that the children have a thin jacket in their bags just in case it does rain.
Thank you for your support, Mrs Herne
Mrs Lowe and Mrs Bruno