8th July 2022
Jim and the Beanstalk
This week we have been:
Reading the story ‘Jim and the Beanstalk’. Jim was very kind and helpful even when he thought he might get eaten by the giant. He measured the giants head and bought him some glasses, to measured his mouth and bought him some new teeth and then bought him some new hair! We have been making out own glasses and exploring teeth and toothbrushes. We have also been writing thank you notes/card for people we love.
In maths this week we have been thinking about numbers on a dice. We have been counting spots and ladybirds and matching dice faces.
In RE this week we read a bible story called ‘Jonah and the whale’. We learnt that Jonah should have listened to God and did what he asked. God was very angry with Jonah and he taught Jonah a lesson. Jonah was very sorry and God forgave him.
We have also continued our learning about Islam this week. Miss Ali came to visit us and she explained what she does when she goes to mosque to pray. She also told us what she does at home and when she is outside her home. Some of us wanted to see what it feels like to wear a hijab and she pretended we were praying like Miss Ali.
We have really enjoyed watching our beanstalks grow this week. We have been giving them water and lots of warmth.
Next week we will be:
- Reading the story Chicken Licken.
- Counting and solving number problems using chicks.
- Reading the story Daniel and the lions den.
- Exploring hot and cold.
- Going to the zoo.
- Taking part in sports day.
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Just a reminder about our trip to the zoo on Wednesday 13th July. Please ensure the children are in school on time, that they are wearing full school uniform and if they are bringing their own packed lunch please make sure it is in a plastic bag with your child’s name.
Thursday 14th July will be sports day. Please make sure the children are wearing suitable uniform. You are welcome to come and watch, it should start around 9:00am.
Thank you for your ongoing support, Mrs Herne
Mrs Lowe and Mrs Bruno