

This week we have been:

We finishing our topic on transport. We read the story emergency and we identified all modes of transport in the sky, on the land and in the water. We learnt about flat and steep using kit and pup and we explored flat and steep using our construction boards and our vehicles.

In phonics this week we have started thinking about the sounds we hear in words, some of us have been writing CVC words using pictures to help us.

In math’s this week we were looking at the properties of 2-D shapes and drawing them we also learnt the number 15 using the Number blocks.

In RE this week we finished the creation story we learnt about how God made all living things including Adam and Eve.

We have continued our Smartie the penguin story this week and re-visiting the song before you tap and click you need to stop and think and tell someone Smartie the penguin was very smart and made the right decisions.

Next week we will be:

  • Learning about Chinese New Year. This includes ordering numbers using the Chinese zodiac story, exploring noodles, making dragons, writing in chinese and having fun dancing and moving to Chinese music.
  • Revisiting numbers 11 to 15.
  • Celebrating Valentine’s Day.

Thank you for your support, Mrs Herne

Mrs Huter and Mrs Woode