9th November 2018
People who help us – In a supermarket
This week we have been:
Continuing our learning about people who help us. This week we focused on people who help us in a supermarket, we read ‘At the supermarket’ and ‘Supermarket zoo’ and used what we learnt in our own supermarket outside. We explored money and how a supermarket works.
In phonics this week we have been exploring the sounds that musical instruments make and focused on looking for the direction cards so we know when to play and stop. We used the traffic lights to help us. Green – we go, yellow – get ready and red – we stop.
In maths this week we sang ‘5 current buns’. We paid for our buns using coins, we looked at what happens to the number of buns when we start to take them away and had fun making our own buns at the playdough table. We also sorted food into their cans and counted how many we had altogether, checking if it matched the number on the can.
In RE this week we learnt about Diwali, the festival of lights. We read a story about Rama and Sita and made our own divas out of clay. Next week we will be learning about lighting a candle in Gods house so we will send home the children’s divas next week.
We have also been learning about Remembrance Day, we spoke about the brave and special soldiers that lost their lives and their families. Together we made a big wreath that we took to the assembly and we made our own poppies for us to wear on own jumpers. We all took part in a 2 minute silent to think about these very special people.
We also explored floating and sinking this week in the water tray. We had a basket of objects and we tested them to see if they would float in the water or sink in the water. We also watched and played a game on the board where we made a prediction, tested the item and then spoke about what happened.
Next week we will be:
- Learning about people who help us in the Post office and writing letters.
- In phonics we will be looking at making sounds using our bodies.
- Looking closer at money and numbers that are on the coins.
- Learning about why we light a candle in God’s church.
- Thinking about our trip to Apples and Honey and talking about differences and being treated the same.
How you can help at home:
- Continue with name writing and counting and number activities.
- Explore floating and sinking at home and talk about what you find.
- Revisit the story of Rama and Sita, please use the link above.
Messages home:
Please keep the children’s home learning books coming in. Please encourage the children to write or draw something in the book, it really does make a difference to the children’s learning.
Thank you for your ongoing support, Mrs Herne.
Mrs Lowe and Mrs Bruno.