Santorini Week beginning 12.12.16

Welcome to Year 2 Santorini Class!

Last week in Santorini Class

In our Literacy lessons we have been continuing to explore stories by the same author Julia Donaldson. We have read the story ‘Room on the Broom’ and recently have read the story of ‘The Gruffalo’. We have focused on how the characters change throughout the story and how they may be feeling at different parts of the story. We have also researched the author Julia Donaldson, using different resources to make notes on interesting facts about her.

The Gruffalo

In Numeracy we have been focusing on geometry for the past two weeks. Firstly, we continued our learning on shapes by describing their properties, then explored how we could sort them in different ways, thinking about their similarities and differences. Then we moved on to position and direction and looked at different turns: whole turn, half turn and quarter turn. We learned how to use different positional language such as, clockwise and anti-clockwise. Lastly, we learned how to use grids and how to describe the position on a grid using the compass points, North, East, South and West.




In R.E. last week, we celebrated the feast day of St Andrew which took place on the 30th November as well the feast day of St Nicholas which took place on the 6th December.


st-andrew-icon-         St Nicholas icon


This Week in Santorini Class

Subject We will be learning…
Literacy ·        We will be exploring the short Christmas story ‘Coming Home’ by Michael Morpurgo.

·        We will also be writing a traditional Japanese poem called haiku about Christmas.

Numeracy ·         Collecting data about our favourite Christmas things and recording the results in a table.

·          We will be answering questions using the data from our table and other tables.

  •    We will be learning the significance of Christmas and the birth of Jesus Christ and recording the story of the Nativity.

·        We will be learning how Orthodox Christians prepare for and celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ.

·        We will exploring the traditions of Christmas and how it is celebrated around the world.



Year 2 Homework wb 12.12.16

Your username and password for Mathletics is stuck inside the cover of your yellow reading record.

Weekend Writing Challenge

Last two weeks in literacy we have been exploring books by the same author.This week in literacy we have been reading the story of ‘The Gruffalo’ by Julia Donaldson and finding out more about her.

For your writing challenge I would like you to create a letter to Julia Donaldson. You need to include in your writing:-

  • What you like about her books and explaining why you like it.
  • At least one question you would like to ask her about a book she is currently writing.
  • Suggest an idea for her next book.
  • Full stops or question marks at the end of each sentence.
  • Capital letters at the beginning of each sentence.

I would like you to write at least a page for your letter and I look forward to reading them!


Book Bags: Please ensure that the children bring their book bag to school every day, as in addition to being a means of transporting reading materials it is a valuable method of communication. We encourage the children to give important notes from their parents direct to their class teacher.

Uniform: Please ensure that all items of clothing are clearly labelled with your child’s name. Children will need their P.E. kits in school on Wednesday as this is our PE day. Please encourage children to be independent dressers at home, as these skills will be helpful at school.

Reading: We change the children’s reading books daily, so if they have finished their books please ensure that the children put their home reading record and reading book in the basket every morning to be changed. Please support your child with reading at home and record a comment in their reading record.

Phonics: The phonics scheme we follow is Read, Write Inc. Please read and practise your sounds and spellings with your child at home.


Spellings: This week’s spellings are – table, apple, bottle, little,  middle



Times Tables: Please continue to practise your 2, 3, 5 and 10 times tables at home as we will be completing weekly challenges on these. They will be given in a random order so please do not just focus on the answers!

Nativity: Well done to everyone for their superb performance in the Nativity play. You were all fantastic and made us all very proud!



Thank you for your continued support and we look forward to another fun filled week.

Mrs Afolabi and Mrs Yiannourkou