Cyprus and Ithaca Blog 27.11.17
Welcome back to Cyprus and Ithaca class,
We have had a very busy week visiting Metro Bank and learning all about Money!!!!
This week we have been focusing on revising number operations on multiplication and division. We have also been learning about reading scales and measuring to the nearest tenth.
In Literacy we have been continuing our learning about Myths and Legends and have been focusing on our creative writing skills on planning and writing our own myths.
In Topic we have been learning about Roman Gods and Goddesses!!!
The homework challenge for this week is to create a Most Wanted Poster about your chosen mythical creature. Your poster must include:
- Character profile E.G personality, what do they like and dislike, are they friendly, scary, mean, heroic or a villain etc).
- Description of what they look like E.G (half human and animal or half animal and half god like etc).
- Description of the setting E.G (where they live and come from such as ancient town, clouds, the sea, forest etc).
Please can parents focus on practising the times tables. Children must know these from 2-12 off by heart, mental maths and number operations using addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
For Literacy please can parents focus on using punctuation and encouraging children to check their writing for full stops and capital letters. To further consolidate children’s learning you could also focus on including exclamation marks, speech marks and commas to beef up sentences and create a more complex writing style.
Have a joyful weekend !!!
Miss Raval and Mrs Winters