Cyprus and Ithaca Blog 5.2.18
Welcome back to Cyprus and Ithaca class,
This week we have been very busy using our investigating skills to explore many different areas of learning. We have conducted experiments in Science and tested changes in solids, liquids and gasses. We have researched about pollution, global warming and endangered species and explored what can we do to prevent further pollution and saving the environment.
We have also researched how London has changed since the Great Fire of London and The Plague. We have also learnt about The Tudors and researched Tales from the Tower. We also learnt how to stay safe and discussed Internet Safety.
We have had a fantastic trip to the Tower of London and very much-enjoyed celebrating Number Day.
Our new topic in Science next term will be investigating and learning about ‘how does sound affect us?’
Your Homework challenge over the holidays is to write a short biography about a musician/singer from the past or present such as Mozart, Beethoven, or famous singers such as Michael Jackson Stormzy or even Beyonce!
Your home learning project is to make a musical instrument out of recyclable materials and with resources found at home. Be creative and as imaginative as possible!
On Mathletics and at home please can parents focus on and revise with children:
- Times Tables 2-12 (this is imperative and all children are required to know all multiplication confidently.)
- Mental maths and number operations using addition, subtraction, multiplication and division
- Equivalent Fractions
- Converting Time from 12hr to 24hr and 24hr to 12hr
- Rounding to the nearest 10, 100 and 1000
- Multiplying decimals and dividing decimals by 100
- Formal Layout Division (Bus Stop Method)
For Literacy please can parents focus on sentence writing including:
- Punctuation
- Capital letters and full stops
- Exclamation marks, speech marks and commas
- Connectives ensuring that sentences make sense
- Handwriting ensuring it is cursive and legible to read
- Reading every day
- Comprehension
Thank you for all your support this half term it has been very exciting and busy! We would also like to wish you a fantastic half term break.
Miss Raval and Mrs Winters