Goldilocks and three bears!

Welcome back! We hope you all enjoyed the half term break and are ready for a new term of learning!





We have been exploring the book “Goldilocks and the three bears”. We have been comparing big, medium and small. We incorporated the story into our PSHE lesson, talking about about staying safe and stranger danger. We discussed Goldilocks not being safe, going to the woods by herself and entering in a strange house.

We have learnt about Guy Fawkes and the Gunpowder plot, the children enjoyed making fireworks with different resources. We also shared how to stay safe if you attend a fireworks display.



This week in Maths, we have been looking at size, big, medium and small; we also learn about number 5 by singing ‘Five current buns’ and children practised number formation.



We hope you enjoy your weekend and be safe during Bonfire Night!

Mrs Lowe & Mrs Bruno.