Happy Half Term!
Dear parents\carers.
We enjoyed meeting with you all at the parents meeting.
This week the children enjoyed reading the story of, ‘The Leopard Drum’. We looked at the differences between forest and jungle animals. We spoke about the importance of sharing.
In maths the children looked at number formation for the number four. The children enjoyed tracing around the numicons and counting the circles to find the number.
The children enjoyed decorating bunting for pink breakfast, where they got to enjoy having breakfast with you.
During R.E we learnt about Diwali and the children really enjoyed molding and decorating their divas. We also explored what a church is, what we can see in a church and why the church is important to us.
After the half term we will be continuing our topic, ‘Into the woods’, sharing the story of, ‘Goldilocks and the three bears’.
If you get to go to the park with your children, we would love for them to collect leaves, twigs and conkers to share and discuss autumn.
We wish you a restful half term and look forward to welcoming you back rested and refreshed for a new term of learning.
Mrs Lowe and Mrs Bruno.