Kalymnos 18.9.15

Welcome to year 6!

We have had a fantastic first two weeks of the term. Huge congratulations to everybody for a fantastic class assembly and some fantastic items of home learning.


Over the past 2 weeks we have been revising some key skills in maths, such as the four operations and place value. We will be beginning to think about multiples and factors, as well as thinking about angles. If you want a sneak peak; check out:http://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/ks2/maths/number/factors_multiples/read/1/

In literacy we have been thinking about biography and autobiography. We have really enjoyed getting to know more about you from reading your fantastic autobiographical stories. Next week, we will be thinking about how poems create imagery.

In RE we have learned about the Exaltation of the Holy Cross and next week we will be finding out about The Lord’s Prayer.

Don’t forget to check out mathletics and spellodrome. The websites are:

Mathletics: http://www.mathletics.co.uk/


Here you can access activities based around this week’s learning.

Please remember that your home writing task is due on Wednesday, and we ask that you spend 45 minutes on it.

Have a wonderful and safe weekend.

From Miss Campbell