November 10th 2017

Traditional tales – Goldilocks and the three bears

This week we have been learning about:

We have been reading the ‘Goldilocks and the three bears’ story. We have been re-telling the story in the sand, making our own porridge using oats in the water tray and also writing letters to Goldilocks to give her some ideas about how she could become baby bears friend. We have also been looking at big, middle sized and small. We have been sorting out objects and talking about who’s bed, chair and bowl is who’s and we have also been making food on the play-dough table for daddy, mummy and baby bear.

In phonics this week we have singing songs and using our bodies to make different sounds. We have also had fun finding a hidden sound in the classroom! Mrs Herne made us close our  eyes and then she hid a phone somewhere in the classroom, we then opened our eyes and Mrs Herne made the phone ring,  we listened for where the sound was coming from it was lots of fun!

In RE we have been thinking about how our families are special to God and that God looks after and watches over all of our families. We have also been learning about remembrance day and talking about how God looks after the families and soldiers that have been and are still fighting in wars. We painted our own poppies and made a wreath using our hands.

We have been continuing to explore Autumn. We have been printing painted leaves and painted our own autumn pictures. Come and have a look at our pictures.

We have been using the benches and PE tables to explore ways off travelling over, under, through and around during our PE session. We had a big focus on travelling safely by making sure we used the mats, learning how to jump off apparatus in a safe way and making sure only on person is travelling at one time.

Next week we will be learning about:

  • The Three Billy Goat Gruff Story.
  • Making bridges for the Troll and exploring bigger and smaller.
  • God’s house, the church.
  • Floating and sinking.
  • Throwing and catching.

How you can help at home:

  • Re-cap the story of Goldilocks and the three bears and The Three Little pigs.
  • Talk about the changes in Autumn that you can see, encourage the children to bring in different coloured leaves and conkers etc., we would then share what you find in class.
  • Talk to the children about things they see when they go to church this weekend, icon, cross, candles etc.

Home learning books and reading records – Its been great looking at your child’s home learning and reading records! You can bring them in when you are ready, just pop them in the yellow and green baskets and we will change books and mark homework each day.

Please keep the proud clouds coming in, please cut them out and pin them to the board outside. We do have some outside on the table when you need more. We really enjoy sharing this moments with the children, please look out for their special stickers.

As you are aware the nursery time is from 8:40-11:50. We take the register at 8:50, any children that arrive after that time we will marked as late. Please ensure the children arrive between 8:40-8:50 to avoid this happening. This also means we can start our day as soon as the children are all in.

Thank you for your ongoing support.

Mrs Herne, Mrs Lowe, Mrs Bruno and Mrs Cosma