Nursery Summer Term
Ocean, Pirates and Mermaids
Over the next few weeks we will be:
- Reading stories linked to the ocean, pirates and mermaids. We will be reading; There was an old lady who swallowed the sea, Commotion in the ocean, Peter Pan, Pirate school, The Troll, Just Narwhal and the Little mermaid. We will also be exploring this topic in all areas of the setting.
- Reading ocean animal poems and rhymes.
- Learning the last of RWI set 1 sounds. w, th, z, ch, qu, x, nk and ng.
- We will also be learning how to write simple CVC words using our sounds.
- We will be sequencing parts of stories that we know well.
- Continuing our learning on 3D shapes, noticing that 2D shapes are flat and 3D shapes are solid.
- Re-visiting positioning, thinking about on, under, next to etc.
- Enjoying lots of messy play.
- Learning about Summer and re-capping over the seasons this year.
- We will be practising for sports day during our PE sessions.
- We will be meeting our Reception teachers and visiting our new classrooms. We will also be talking about next year. We will be asking the children things they are looking forward to and what they maybe worried about.
How you can help at home:
- Continue with name writing.
- Encourage the children to write using the sounds that we have learnt.
- Counting and shape activities.
Messages home:
- We will soon be selling activity learning packs for the children to do during the Summer. They will be priced at £3.00 each.
- As you are aware the weather changes every second, please ensure the children have a jacket in school as we use the outside area every day.
- Our trip with Apples and Honey is on Tuesday 18th June. You will need to bring the children in normal time and we will be returning to school for 11:50am depending on traffic. Please do not bring book bags to school on this day.
- Sports day is Thursday 27th June. You are invited to come and support your children.
- Our Battersea Park Zoo trip is on Friday 28th June. We will be leaving as soon as the children are registered and returning between 3:00-3:30 depending on the traffic. Please do not bring book bags to school on this day and please ensure your child’s lunch is in a plastic bag so it can be thrown away.
- The Summer fete is on Friday 28th June at 3:30pm, you are all welcome to come and enjoy the afternoon. It will be taking part in the main school hall.
Please keep checking this page as we may need to add to it from time to time.
Thank you for your ongoing support this year, Mrs Herne.
Mrs Lowe and Mrs Bruno