October 6th 2017

Looking after Ourselves

This week we have been learning about:

This week we celebrated St Cyprians Day. We had fun making cakes and writing messages to St Cyprian. We have also been learning how to do our prayers by using our three fingers in our heads, in our hearts and all around, we have also started to learn the lord’s prayer.

We have been learning how to wash hands and why we need to wash them. We read ‘I don’t want to wash my hands’. We practiced washing our hands with soap, and washed the babies in the water tray. We have also been learning about the parts of our body by singing ‘head shoulders knees and toes’.

We have enjoyed singing several number rhymes including 5 Cheeky moneys and 5 little ducks. We have been counting forwards and backwards to 5 and looking at what numbers to 5 look like.

We have been listening to sounds that we hear around us and we have been using our mouths and bodies to make our own sounds. We have also been playing games, learning the names of our friends.

Next week we will be learning about:

-Things we like and dislike.

-Counting to 10.

-Sounds around us and making sounds with musical instruments.

-Looking at our facial features.

-Ways of moving safely.

-Being special to God.

How you can help at home:

– Counting games with numbers to 10.

– Listen to sounds you hear on your way home and at home.

– Comparing your facial features with your family.


Thank you for your support, I look forward to seeing you at next week’s parent consultations.


Mrs Herne, Mrs Lowe, Mrs Bruno and Mrs Cosma