Reception blog 06.10.23

Dear Parents/Carers,

This week we have been learning about ‘Feelings’ the children enjoyed reading the story of ‘The colour monster.’ They created their own unique colour monsters.

In English the children practiced using their sounds to write words by labelling how their colour monster felt.

In Maths we compared different sizes, we focused on their length, height and over all size. We used new vocabulary; tall-short, big-small and long-short.

This week on 2nd October we celebrated St Cyprian’s day, we created hand-made flowers and worked together to produce some St Cyprian inspired art work.

Due to staff absences children will now be splitting into their phonics groups next week and will receive their extra phonics reading book on Monday.

Please see below for links to this weeks phonics sound videos;

We look forward to seeing you all at parents evening.

Thank you for your continued support

The Reception Team.