Reception 28.2.2020
This week we welcomed everyone back to school and introduced our new topic which is Dinosaurs. Our book focus this week was Dinosaur Chase. The children described and labelled Dinosaurs. In Re we learnt about Clean Monday which is the beginning of Easter and every child made a kite which they will be flying on Monday.
Week Beginning – 2.3.2020
This week we will continue to learn about Dinosaurs.
In Literacy we will be reading the book Tom and the Dinosaur egg! The children will be writing about where they think dinosaurs could live.
In Maths we will be continuing to learn about subtraction and learn all the vocabulary associated with this.
In RE we will be learning about Gods first family.
In Phonics we will be working with the children within their individual groups.
Please note
- On Monday 2nd March and Thursday 5th March we will having parents evening we look forward to meeting with you all.
- As the weather is cold please ensure that your child has a coat in school each day, as we go outside everyday.
- The children will be bringing their red books home on Monday 2nd March this week , as it will be connected to an activity that we are introducing in class.