Samos Class Blog 16/10

We have had another exciting week in year 4!

This week we have completed our report writing and moved on to look at myths and legends. We have begun to plan our own myths, and have thought about what makes a good myth.

We have been focusing particularly on describing the setting for our myth, using a range of powerful adjectives alongside figurative language. We have explored using similes and metaphors to add detail to our descriptions.


In numeracy we have been focusing on multiples, particularly of 6,7 and 9. We have explored different strategies for multiplication including repeated addition and using arrays. We have also continued to work on time.

In RE we considered the story of Moses and the Ten Commandments. We talked about the importance of rules and what might happen if we didn’t have them.

Topic work has continued to focus on Ancient Greece.

In science we have looked in more detail at the classification of living things. We have talked about what vertebrates and invertebrates are and how we can divide those groups even further.

In PE the children have continued to improve their cross country running skills.

Children have continued to enjoy their Greek and Greek culture lessons as well as creating some fantastic accompaniments in their music lessons.

We are very much looking forward to inclusion week next week, and have many creative activities planned for the week.

Home learning has been set on mathletics and spellodrome, and all children have been given a letter with more details on this. Please do ask if there are any problems.

Have a lovely weekend!

Miss Campbell and Mrs Peters