Samos Class Blog

Hello Year 4!

Lots of fun things planned this term.

In topic we are focusing on The Normans- I’ve asked the children to research how King Harold died at the Battle of Hastings.

In numeracy we are dividing numbers with decimals.

In literacy we are writing explanation texts. Can you find any examples of explanation texts at home? E.g. Cooking instructions on food, ‘how to use’ on your shampoo etc- bring them in for our working wall.

As an ongoing project the children are writing and illustrating their own ‘Alphabiographies’

They need to write a story for each letter of the alphabet- based on an important event, person, place or object on their lives. This week they should focus on the letter C.

Here is a link to a great times table speed challenge  Speed Challenge

Remember to keep checking Mathletics and Spellodrome for weekly spellings!


Miss Campbell