Stick Man and the different emotions!

Good afternoon parents and carers,

This is the last week that we are exploring Stick Man. The children talked about how Stick Man might be feeling, so far from his family and the family tree.

The children shared how they feel when they come to school and have to say goodbye to their loved ones. They created their own emotion jars where they either painted, coloured or used tissue paper to show the emotion that they feel. We related this to our PSHE lesson and the zones of regulations.



Our focus number in maths was the number 8. The children got to practice number formation and we looked at the connecting cubes and Numicons. They also enjoyed learning about 2D shapes.




During R.E this week, we finished the creation story and what God created on day 5 & 6, (sky, land, sea animals and Adam and Eve). God rested on day 7.

We have been extremely busy rehearsing for our Nativity. Please can you continue to practice your children’s lines with them.

Next week will be enjoying Christmas and learning about the true meaning of this celebration, linking it to our nativity.

Have a good weekend.

Mrs Lowe & Mrs Bruno.