Stick Man and the four seasons!

Dear parents and carers, we hope you have had a good week.


The children have enjoyed looking at the different seasons Stick Man passed until he was reunited with his family. We have explored what each season looks and feels like. We spoke about what type of clothes we might wear for each season. The children all got to make their own seasonal painting.








During maths this week, we have revisited numbers 1 to 5. We looked at connecting blocks and numicons to help us. The children practiced number formation for all numbers.







During R.E we are continuing the creation story and we learnt about day 3 and 4, where God created the land, stars and the moon.


Thank you for your continued support, kind regards!

Mrs Bruno & Mrs Lowe


P.S a message was sent asking you to bring in raincoats and wellington boots, just to clarify as I think there was a little confusion. We would like a waterproof coat for when the children are outside playing in the mud area which we will shortly be turning into a mud kitchen.