Stick Man!

Dear parents and carers, we hope you are all keeping well.


This week we have been reading the story ‘Stick Man’ and the children have enjoyed making their own Stick Man out of recyclable materials.

We compared ‘Stick Man’ with ‘Goldilocks and the three bears’, how they both got lost and we created wanted posters where the children drew a picture of Stick Man and then described him.




In Maths this week, we looked at number seven and its formation. The children enjoyed measuring different size sticks using the connecting blocks. They were able to identify which one was the tallest and which the shortest.

The children have been busy practicing for our nativity play, and we have sent home lines for you to practice with your children. See below the songs.

Boney M. – Mary’s Boy Child (Lyrics) – YouTube

Little Donkey [with lyrics for congregations] – YouTube (up to 1.08 mins and then in Greek)

Year 2 Nativity (2020); Knock Knock Knock! – YouTube

Dancing About In The Straw – YouTube

Something Happened To The Light – YouTube (we just dance but practice the lyrics if children want)

Makaton – WE WISH YOU A MERRY CHRISTMAS – Singing Hands – YouTube


We hope you have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Lowe & Mrs Bruno

P.S when doing the homework sheets please can you encourage the children to do it independently.