Week beginning 18.05.2020

Good morning everyone,

We hope you have had an amazing week. As with last week, it was amazing to speak to you this week and we look forward to speaking you again next week. Please take photos of any projects you have done these last few weeks. Also any work you are particularly proud of save these as well. It would amazing for us to share the work we have been doing at home once it is save for us all to be back at school.

This weeks work will be posted below. As with previous weeks there is no pressure to complete the work. Home schooling is no easy task, especially if you are working from home. Even Mr Theophilou is finding it difficult to sta engaged for hours on end.

I am going to repost the link to my RE lessons on Youtube. Some have activities, some are just 5 minute videos to listen to and then continue with your day



Y4 Week 8 Day 1

Y4 Week 8 Day 1_Powerpoint for Teachers

Y4 Week 8 Day 2

Y4 Week 8 Day 3

Y4 Week 8 Day 4

Y4 Week 8 Day 5


Year 4 Week 8 Day 1

Year 4 Week 8 Day 2

Year 4 Week 8 Day 3

Year 4 Week 8 Day 4

Year 4 Week 8 Day 5

Remember, you may also access the BBC bitesize learning:



National Academy learning:
