This week in Corfu Class (17.10.16)

Please check our blog every week, as we will be posting information about our learning and tasks to complete for home learning.


This week is Inclusion Week

We will be celebrating our individuality and how we support and encourage each other in everything we do. We will be learning about:

British Values



Road Safety

Fire Safety

Black History



fred frog

Phonics this week

Stars (Mrs Richards): i, n, p, g, o

Clouds (Mrs Foti): qu

Suns (Miss Miller): igh

Moons (Mrs Pavlou): t, i

Home learning this week:

Your child has received their log in for Mathletics and Spellodrome.(

Please check inside your child’s Reading Record for their username and password.

In addition to the weekly spelling challenge, please complete the Spellodrome words at home ( 

Please practise the following items at home:

counting by 2s

number bonds of 10 and 20

reading and writing the high frequency words






Our spelling challenge will be on Friday.

The spelling words this week are:







Please practise these words at home with your child.

Your new Home Learning task is available. Please follow the link for more information (weathersymbol-homelearning-2016). 



reading 2

Reading: Your child would have received a home reader and reading journal. Please read with your child every night. In the reading journal, write a comment about their reading and sign to acknowledge you have listened to them. Children are reminded to change their books during the morning activity time with Mrs Foti.  

Thank you for your support,

Mrs Richards and Mrs Foti