Week Ending – 05.05.23
Dear Parents/Carers,
This week in English, the children focused on writing a set of instructions for making a fruit kebab and then made their kebab using real fruits. We also continued with looking at the story of ‘The Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch’. The children had to create a decoy lunch to stop the seagulls from eating Mr Grinling’s lunch. They came up with some interesting ideas.
In Maths, we are continuing with looking at numbers within 40 and have been concentrating on looking at simple subtraction questions. In RE, this week the children have been learning about the importance of forgiving someone when that person has hurt them and had the opportunity to create a beautiful ‘Forgiveness Bracelet’ which included two crosses. Our second RE topic was about ‘Telling the Truth’ and how important it is to always tell the truth. The children had the task of working in groups to sort out pictures and to place them in the column of either ‘Honest’, Dishonest’ and ‘Not Sure’. They then presented this to the class, followed by a discussion.
Have a wonderful and happy Bank Holiday Weekend!
Weekly writing task: Homelearning Week 29
Maths/phonics: https://www.edshed.com/en-gb/
Miss Nicholson & Miss Weithers