Week ending 11.11.22

Dear Parents,

This week we have been learning all about our new topic book called ‘Katie in London’. The children have enjoyed finding out all about the places Katie visits on her journey. The children have been doing descriptive writing about the characters in the story which they have enjoyed doing. Along with, retelling the story so far using small world people and creating London buildings with junk modelling materials.

We have also been learning about Remembrance Day and being thankful for all the soldiers that fought in the war for our freedom. We created beautiful poppy art work to commemorate those who lost their lives for us.

We hope you have a lovely weekend!


Edshed for maths, phonics and spellings: https://www.edshed.com/en-gb/login

Weekly writing task: Homelearning Week 8

Miss Sandberg and Miss Nicholson 🙂