Week ending 12.04.24
Dear Parents and Carers
This week marks the start of Holy week in our school, and so we have been very busy in RE learning about Jesus’ journey into Jerusalem and his miracles that he performed along the way. We also made Lazarakia on Thursday to celebrate Lazarus being risen from the dead.
In Maths we have been revisiting learning that we struggle with earlier, and started on number bonds to 20 and subtracting by finding the difference. This will be our main focus for home learning this week, so please log on to Edshed and complete the assignments if you can!
Year 1 have been writing descriptions about people important to them in English, and we have been trying to use more ambitious adjectives.
In PSHE, the children spoke about the healthy choices that they make for themselves and how they can be healthier.
In Geography we made maps of our playground using all of a map’s key features.
We hope you have a lovely weekend!
Many Thanks
The Year 1 team