Week ending 12.1.24
Hello Parents and Carers,
We hope you all had a lovely restful break!
This week in English, the children’s focus was on understanding the features of a diary entry. They also have been learning about changing present tense verbs into a regular past tense verb by adding the suffix ‘ed’ at the end of the verb. Then they wrote a sentence using the past tense verb to recap our week so far.
In Maths, the children’s focused was understanding numbers up to 20, including recognising 11, 12, 13 in both number and word form.
In RE, the children’s learning was about obeying God and our parents, in History the children wrote questions that they would like to find out about Mary Anning’s life and in Science the children learned which months are in each season and consolidated the seasonal changes that occur.
In PE, we have started our new topics of Gymnastics and Tennis, which the children seem to be very enthusiastic about!
We hope you have a wonderful weekend!
From the Year 1 team